Starting off the New Year and a New Blog with a little bit of Pain. Ran a 10K in 2 degree weather along the river in Minneapolis. WOW it was cold, but it felt great to do this. Sadly I didn't run in my new five fingers, it was too slushy and I fear I would have lost a couple of toes. I got a great Medal and Nico is convinced that I won the race. I did run a 10:19 mile, which is pretty good for me in tennis shoes, but alas, I did not win the race. My goal was to finish (ahead of a couple people - which I did!) So all is well. Oh, did I tell you, it was up hill both ways!? Ask any of the other runners, I'm sure they'd tell you the same thing. I slept much of the afternoon and my legs hurt for a week after. But I'm super proud!!!
I wish my kids could have been there - but they were stuck in Morris in a blizzard; held up in my parent's house. THANK you Mom and Dad for taking care of them, I know they can be a handful or two sometimes. Ryan was there to take my picture as proof of me actually doing something physical - THANKS Ryan!
The next race will be in the five fingers!! I'm ready for you 2011!!
This year is sure to be a year of Great Change - I can feel it. So a new blog and new running legs are just the beginning! Welcome.
I am sooo proud of you! you are amazing!